School Supply List
School Supply List 2024-25
6 - #2 Ticonderoga pencils (child's preference lg or sm) sharpened
1 - 2 inch erasers
3 - 8 count box Crayola crayons (regular size crayons)
1 - set washable markers classic colors (broad line)
1 - pair scissors (metal, Fiskars preferred)
1 - 8 oz. white Elmer's glue
12 - Elmer's glue sticks
1 - school box (no zipper boxes)
2 - composition notebook (100 page, wide-ruled)
2 - plastic pocket folders
2 - Expo dry erase markers (black, fine tip)
1st Grade
24 - #2 yellow Ticonderoga pencils, sharpened*
2 - 2 inch white erasers
4 - 24 count box Crayola crayons
1 - pair of scissors (pointed, metal Fiskars preferred)
10 - small Elmer's glue sticks
1 - school box (plastic standard size)
4 - Plastic 2 pocket folders with fasteners (Red, Yellow, Green, Purple)
2 - boxes of 10 count Crayola Basic Colors Fat Markers
8 - Black Thin Expo Markers
1 - water bottle
Backpack (without wheels)
Boys - 1 box quart size bags
Girls - 1 bottle of sanitizer
**Classroom teachers may request additional supplies not listed here.**
2nd Grade
24 - #2 yellow pencils, sharpened
4 - erasers (large)
2 - 24 count Crayola crayons
2 - package colored pencils
1 - dry erase markers set (regular size, not thin)
1 - ruler (metric on one side)
12 - glue sticks
1 - pair scissors
1 - school box
2 - 70 sheet spiral notebook
3 - pocket folders (solid color)
2 - boxes of facial tissues
2 - container of antibacterial wipes
1 - bottle of hand sanitizer
Boys bring 1 box of Ziploc quart size bags
Girls bring 1 box of Ziploc sandwich size bags
Gym Shoes
3rd Grade
24 - #2 yellow pencils
1 - eraser
1 - box colored pencils
1 - 24 count box Crayola crayons
1 - box dry erase marker
1 - 8 oz. white Elmer's glue
1 - package of glue sticks
1 - pair of scissors (pointed)
1 - ruler (metric on one side)
1 - package index cards (white, 3x5)
1 - school box
2 - 70 sheet spiral notebook (wide-ruled)
3 - pocket folders (with clasps)
1- boxes of facial tissues
1 - box of Ziploc quart/sandwich or gallon size bags
4th Grade
24 - #2 yellow pencils (sharpened)
1 - box colored pencils
2 - yellow highlighters
1 - 8 count box dry erase markers
1 - pack of pencil cap erasers
1 -18 count markers
1 - 24 count Crayola Crayons
4 - glue stick
1 - pair of scissors (pointed)
3 - 2 pocket plastic folders with holes
3 - wide ruled spiral notebooks
1 - plastic ruler (not bendy)
1 - individual pencil sharpener
2 - boxes of facial tissues
1 - school box
1 - container of Clorox wipes
1 - 1" binder (Miss Howe and Mrs. Stanis only)
5th Grade
24 - #2 yellow pencils
2 - ballpoint pens (blue or black)
2 - highlighters
1 - package colored pencils
2 - 8 count dry-erase markers
1 - 24 count box Crayola crayons
1 - 8 oz. white Elmer's glue
4 - glue sticks
1 - ruler (centimeters & inches)
2 - packages sticky notes
1 - pair of scissors (pointed)
1 - packages of loose leaf notebook paper
4 - folders (pocket)
1 - school box
2 - boxes of facial tissue
1 - bottle of GermX
Boys - 1 box of Ziploc quart/sandwich OR gallon size bags
Girls - 1 bottle of Clorox wipes
Gym shoes
5 - notebooks (all different colors)